

July 22, 2006 CalCup (Richmond) Results

CalCup Skipper's Meeting 7/22/2006
Photo by Bryan McDonald

From L-R: John Stienstra (background), Matthaeus Leitner, Eric Christianson, John Davenport, Mike Percey, Dave Hop, Steve Sylvester, Mindaugas Saulis, Doug Michna, Soheil Zahedi, Alan Prussia, Ben Bamer, Lyn Preuit, Mike Zajicek

Race Committee Report

The day started for Mike and I at 6.30AM. All the usual stuff to get the boat ready for the day's racing.

By 9.15AM Mike, Marley and I were at the normal East Bay 'watering hole' that we go to for the organizers, and RC breakfast meeting. We were soon joined by Ben & Brandon Bamer.

This meeting is very important, especially this week as we had announced there was a possible venue change. We checked and double checked the weather. We did not want to go to TI if there was a chance that it would be too windy for some of our newer racers. All looked set for Marina Bay so we called it. The hot-line was update, we spoke with Soheil by phone and the website was updated. The next part of the meeting was the possible courses we would set.

Mike, Marley & I then trailered the CalCup boat by road to Richmond, following Ben & Brandon in their car. The boat was launched and we all went out to set the course and then took Mike and Ben back to the launch site where they went post haste by their cars to Marina Bay to hold the Skippers meeting, then rig their own gear, and go and race!

So race committee for this week was Brandon Bamer, Marley and I :)

Whilst we were out on the water at the CalCup course the Skippers meeting was held on land at Friendship Park, Marina Bay at 12:45PM.

Out on the water we were in constant contact with Mike by phone. First possible race was changed to 2pm. Then I get my last phone call form Mike at 2.15pm saying that the boards would head out to us for at meeting at the boat! Mother wind is not doing us any favors....would we be able to race...but this all the fun of windsurfing....the boat is moved, we chase the wind... then sit it is all such RC we are looking for all the clues that we are given by nature on the water :)

The first race eventually starts at 4.45PM.

On RC we had so much fun we hope that you all did to? Thank you Brandon for your help. As for Marley I think he did tremendously well. He is certainly part of the CalCup RC after today. Don't forget he can't....go over the side of the boat...or use the 'bucket and chuck it' Well done Marley, it was a long day for you but your tail wagged, so we know you were having fun:)

Eventually Mike, Marley and I got the CalCup boat home and put to bed ready for the next time we all race, and we all look forward so much to seeing you all out on the water for the next CalCup race on 19th August!


Overall Results

Sail Skipper Division Total Race 1 Race 2
1 ML Zajicek,Mike A 1.5 0.75 0.75
2 22 Bamer,Ben A 5 3 2
3 VYV Percey,Mike A 6 2 4
4 44 Christianson,Eric A 7 4 3
5 Mac MacGrath,Jim A 10 5 5
6 US54 Stienstra,John B 13 6 7
7 USA360 Leitner,Matthaeus C 15 7 8
8 SM Michna,Doug B 16 10 DNF 6
9 LTU9 Saulis,Mindaugas C 18 8 10 DNF
10= USA4 Bodner,Steve A 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= USA21 Olinger,Lynn W 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= VHV Hop,Dave A 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= AP Prussia,Alan A 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= >= Kdruna,Bob B 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= a Zahedi,Soheil A 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= S3 Sylvester,Steve A 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= US008 Peer,Gary A 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= CAN406 Fortier,Isabelle W 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= USC Popov,Ivan B 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= DB Bojantchev,Dimitar B 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= USA314 McDonald,Bryan B 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= 223 Davenport,John A 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
10= 246 Preuit,Lyn A 48 24 DNC 24 DNC

Division: W

Sail Skipper Total Race 1 Race 2
1= USA21 Olinger,Lynn 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
1= CAN406 Fortier,Isabelle 48 24 DNC 24 DNC

Division: C

Sail Skipper Total Race 1 Race 2
1 USA360 Leitner,Matthaeus 15 7 8
2 LTU9 Saulis,Mindaugas 18 8 10 DNF

Division: B

Sail Skipper Total Race 1 Race 2
1 US54 Stienstra,John 13 6 7
2 SM Michna,Doug 16 10 DNF 6
3= >= Kdruna,Bob 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
3= USC Popov,Ivan 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
3= DB Bojantchev,Dimitar 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
3= USA314 McDonald,Bryan 48 24 DNC 24 DNC

Division: A

Sail Skipper Total Race 1 Race 2
1 ML Zajicek,Mike 1.5 0.75 0.75
2 22 Bamer,Ben 5 3 2
3 VYV Percey,Mike 6 2 4
4 44 Christianson,Eric 7 4 3
5 Mac MacGrath,Jim 10 5 5
6= USA4 Bodner,Steve 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
6= VHV Hop,Dave 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
6= AP Prussia,Alan 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
6= a Zahedi,Soheil 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
6= S3 Sylvester,Steve 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
6= US008 Peer,Gary 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
6= 223 Davenport,John 48 24 DNC 24 DNC
6= 246 Preuit,Lyn 48 24 DNC 24 DNC


Race 3 Results (Practice Race, does not count...):

1 - 22
2 - VYV
3 - 44
4 - MAC
5 - USA 360
6 - SM
7 - LTU9