Ronstan Bridge to Bridge 2005
1 Anthony Chavez Grey Kite Kite 17:54:03
2 Howie Hamlin Pegasus White Skiff 18 17:54:14
3 Seth Besse USA 64 Formula  
4 Chad Freitas Green/White/ Red spinnaker skiff Skiff 18  
5 Samuel 'Shark' Kahn Pegasus Black Skiff 18  
6 Andrew Cuddhoy Fisher & Paykel Skiff 18  
7 Kris Youngberg Yellow w/red&black Kite  
8 John Winning Yandoo Skiff 18  
9 Mike Percey VYV Formula  
10 Ben Bamer 22 Formula  
11 Jean Rathle Z Formula  
12 Oliver Govers Blue/Green Kite Kite  
13 Steve Sylvester S3 Formula  
14 Al Mirel USA 882 Formula  
15 Soheil Zahedi a Formula  
16 Morgan Larson Pink/Yello/Black Kite  
17 Alan Prussia AP Formula  
18 John Radkowski JR Formula  
19 Rado Red Kite/ white trim Kite  
20 Gabe Brown all white/red trim Kite  
21 Nils Stocklmier bright yellow/black trim Kite  
22 Fung Yang red/whit/blue kite "N" Kite  
23 Nick Ryan White/blue nash kite Kite  
24 Mo Hart white kite / black trim Kite  
25 Marcelo Segura red/white blue trim Kite  
26 Grant Rollerson Rag& Famish Skiff 18  
27 Jon Buys light blue/ dark blue trim Kite  
28 Jim Johnstone red/whit blue nash kite Kite  
29 Steve Gibson Red/Blue Kite  
30 Lyn Preuit 246 Formula  
31 Kathy Smith Green w/ blue and whit strip Kite  
32 Bryan McDonald USA 314 Formula  
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